How are you?
Hello, it's been a long time
Yanosuke proposes matrimony for Akiko
Is that so?
I personally think it's a good match
I see
It would be ideal...
...if both Noriko and Akiko
were engaged
Find out how she feels about marriage
Why don't you?
I'll persuade her, too...
...but please, talk to her
Where are yougoing?
I just remembered...
Going out? I'll leave, too
No, youmake yourself comfortable
Father is kept busy
I don't know,
he goes out a lot lately
Yes, but it's good to see him healthy
Has Noriko's interview day
been fixed?
Yes, at the New Osaka Hotel
I see, that's fine. It's well suited
It's another hot day
Yes. Yes. Where?
From six? I'll go
Yes, I'll ask her
Are youfree tonight?
Yes, why?
Teramoto-san is to leave
in a few days
For Sapporo?
Yes, so we're holding
a party tonight
I see. So he finally decided