Kohayagawa-ke no aki

-Be quiet!

-But then...
-Be quiet!

Do youintend to repeat
your sinful past behaviour?

What are youtalking about?
We know everything
Know what?
What's wrong with holding
a service in Arashiyama?

Which Arashiyama...
Look at me!
Youtwo suspect me, don't you?
No, nothing of the sort
What's the idea having
Rokutaro follow me?

Are youdoing something shady?
I go to Kyoto
to consult an old friend...

...about our business
The idea!
Who is this old friend?
Is the name Sasaki?

No! It's Yamada.
Youshould know him!

I don't know him
That's too bad
I've been asking his help
I can't leave it up to youpeople
-Well, then...
-Forget it

I will not. Be quiet!

Are youreally worried
about the business?

-Of course!
-Then why not go again today?

-Hurry, get ready

Not today
I just saw him yesterday
No! Quicker the better
Please go to see him again today
Not today
I've taken a bath
I'll prepare it again
