He's awake, but drugged with morphine
- Will you operate?
- No, it would be futile
Tommaso, are we disturbing you?
Come in, my dears
Operation successful, but
the patient died
Sit down
I see there's a party to
launch your book today
- Let's not talk about it
- Why not?
Your book is the one thing
that really matters
Lidia, why don't you sit down?
Smoke if you like
I don't feel tired
Here's the magazine with
your article on Adorno
What's your opinion? Shall I
include it in my book?
Yes, it's very good.
Your book will be excellent
I'll have to give it more thought
I haven't been able to think
these last few days...
...yet this is my first free time
in years
What an ironical holiday
Lidia, you look wonderful
- I told Marcella not to come
- Quite right
I'd rather not see anyone
I'm sick and tired of all the pretending
But I was hoping you would come,
of course