La Notte

You know, I see things
in a clearer light now

I regret that my presence spoiled
so many evenings...

:07:15 your delightful home
It's your home, too, you know
You appreciate many things
when you're all alone

You realize that so much
remains to be done

I wonder if I've ever done
anything really useful

I lacked the courage to probe deeply
Probably I never had enough
intelligence, anyway

If that's true, I'd better
pack up writing at once

You're joking
Occasional self-criticism
helps to raise morale

You bought it? I was going to
bring you a copy

I've not only bought it,
I've begun to read it

Fifty pages so far
I hope I'll finish it
The bath episode is exceptional
Unless morphine has warped my
judgement, it's your best

With morphine things seem different
It must be the morphine.
Do you really like the book?

I do
You'll end up a great success
Yes, I'll come to a bad end
The advantage of premature death:
you escape success

My mother
How are you, Tommaso?
