Of course not, she was dead!
The tracks were searched for the
whole length of the line - negative,
Oh, so you don't believe me?
I didn't mean to imply that,
- You did,
- Not at all,
What then?
A woman cannot be murdered
on a busy train
without our finding out about it,
I'm sure you mean well, lnspector,
but if you imagine
that I am going to sit back
and let everybody regard me
as a dotty old maid,
you are very much mistaken,
Good day!
I'm sorry, The Hatrack Hanging,
Falcon Smith's latest,
we haven't received our copy yet,
Plain inefficiency,
- Let me know the moment it comes in,
- Of course, Mrs Stainton,
- Good morning, Miss Marple,
- Good morning, Mr Stringer,
Good morning, Hilda,
One moment...
,, The Hatrack Hanging,
I've been keeping it for you,
- Would you say I am unstable?
- Certainly not,
- In full possession of my faculties?
- Absolutely...
- Not given to hallucinations?
- No,
Thank you, Mr Stringer,
- The police think I'm dotty,
- What?
I saw a young man and woman
in the throes of connubial bliss,
If I were you, Miss Marple,
I would write to the Chief Constable,