Murder She Said

myself, my nephew -
down for the school holidays -

and Father,
- May I show you to your room?
- Yes,

I'll take that, my dear,
Perhaps the clubs, if you don't mind,

- I must keep fit, you know,
- Yes, of course,

Our staff consists of Hillman,
the gardener,

and Mrs Kidder, she let you in,
She comes in three afternoons a week
to do the rough work,

My grandfather, He founded
the family fortune - tea biscuits,

Oh yes and very excellent biscuits
they were too,

A severe man, I'm afraid,
Miss Marple, I think it only fair
to explain that my father is...

,, quite frankly, difficult at times,
He's an invalid,
He's very keen on economy
and sometimes says things
that upset people,

- I wouldn't want you to...
- I'm used to caring for the elderly,

We'll manage,
Emma! I hear you!
- Yes, Father, Excuse me,
- Don't try to sneak off,

- Is the new girl with you?
- Well... yes, Father,

I hope she's got more meat on her
than the last one, I hate 'em skinny!

Don't just stand there boggling,
bring her in,

Yes... er...
will you come in please?

this is Miss Marple, er... Jane,

A plain Jane if I ever saw one,
We can't all be young and handsome
can we, Mr Ackenthorpe?

I cannot tolerate impertinence,
Then we should get on admirably -
neither can l,

If you're staying and I suppose
you've got to, understand this:

Because I live in a big house
doesn't mean I'm a rich man,
