Oh, who are you?
I'm the new maid, sir,
Dr Quimper,
You'll get used to seeing me here,
- Alexander, I suppose,
- Yes, I'm afraid so,
Mr Ackenthorpe will be expecting me,
- I'll show you up,
- That won't be...
Where on earth
are my confounded matches?
- It's you,
- Good morning,
What are you doing in here?
Snooping, I suppose?
Where are my matches?
If you're going to smoke,
I'll open a window,
I'm a great believer in fresh air,
Aren't you, Doctor?
Why, yes, I am... Miss...
Marple her name, marble her nature!
Let her give me double pneumonia!
If you can't kill me off one way,
you'll kill me off another,
You're going to live to be 100
in spite of anything I can do,
Then tell her to stop opening windows
and light my cheroot,
Any chance
that will send him to sleep, Doctor?
I'm afraid it's a stimulant,
- Roll over,
- Oh, dear,
Hold it closer, woman!
Your home town lost
a good horse doctor when you left,
In fact, I was bad with horses,
How did the birthday party go?
Did all the family get down?
Of course they did -
made a weekend of it,