Murder She Said

At the present rate,
you're going to need them,

Perhaps you could
demonstrate the next one,

Let's see how close
you can get to those outbuildings,

Yes, I think that's possible,
You know perfectly well
it was superb for a boy of my age,

A chip and a putt
and I'd have holed out in three,

Does you grandfather
keep horses, Alexander?

He did, Now he just keeps relics
of a more spacious age,

Nostalgia, you know - a failing
of the old, I suppose, Like to look?

Well, I think
I'm old enough, don't you?

An old-fashioned pony chaise,
It was used for going to the village,
And the Victoria
for going to church?

Yes, on Sundays
in the summer I believe,

The brougham is
for the winter perhaps?

Yes, I expect so,
It's haunted here, Grandfather found
a man hanging from this rafter,

- Oh!
- He'd been dead for a week,

- All purple, you know,
- Alexander!

- What was that?
- I wonder,

- All right, I'll look,
- All yours,

Dear, dear,
We are nervous, aren't we?

- Pity,
- What did you expect to find?

- Bodies,
- What?

Live ones, of course,
Used to be quite a spot
for courting couples

till Grandfather got
Hillman to put a stop to it,

Quite extraordinary
the goings-on here,
