One, Two, Three

How many times have I told you I don't
want those people standing at attention?

- I know. I have given strict orders.
- Can't they get it through their heads?

- They're in a democracy now.
- That is the trouble.

Before, if I told them to sit they would sit.
Now they do what they want. They stand.

- Any word yet from the mayor's office?
- Yes, sir.

- No Coke machine in the Reichstag.
- Sometimes I wonder who won the war.

Did you pick up those airline tickets
for my wife and children?

Three seats to Venice via Frankfurt.
Call the Frankfurt plant
for another 100,000 bottles.

People keep smuggling Cokes
into the Eastern Sector.

Next. I'm expecting the Russian
Trade Commission at 10.30.

- Yes, sir.
- Next. You're fired.

- Sir?
- Unless you stop clicking your heels.

Yes, sir. I'm sorry.
I keep forgetting myself.

- That old Gestapo training, huh?
- You must not say that. It is not true.

- What did you do during the war?
- I was in the underground.

- Resistance fighter?
- No, motorman. In the subway.

- Of course you never liked Adolf.
- Adolf who?

Down where I was I didn't know
what was going on up there.

That will be all, Schlemmer.

- Guten Morgen.
- Guten Morgen to you, Fraulein Ingeborg.

It is not Fraulein, it is Fräulein.
With an umlaut.

I'll say. Monthly report.
To WP Hazeltine, home office, Atlanta,
from CR MacNamara, Berlin branch.

Production figures for May,
270,000 cases.

Consumption per capita
now 5.2 per cent above last year.
