One, Two, Three

- You said she would be here two weeks.
- She has German measles.

- She has been now two months.
- She likes it here. What can I do?

- It's August. Won't school soon open?
- In Georgia you never know.

- What is all this about quitting?
- I have had offers. After all, I'm bilingual.

- Don't I know it?
- Those Russians call me all the time.

- They want me very badly.
- I'll bet. Siberian wolves.

So you'd better find another girl.
All right.
Classified ad to run
in all Berlin papers. Quote:

Attractive middle-aged executive
wants attractive young secretary.

Must be versatile and cooperative.
Excellent salary,
congenial working conditions,

fringe benefits...
Fringe benefits? What is that?
Little extras. This morning I was passing
that shop in the Kurfürstendamm.

There was this white silk dress
in the window and a matching hat.

- And a bag? And matching shoes?
- Why not?

- I'll take the job.
- You got it.

- Danke schön.
- You're welcome schön.

Please, not while you're chewing gum.
- That'll be all. More later.
- Any time.

- Yes, Schlemmer?
- I called the garage, his wife... No Fritz.

- You'd better call the police.
- I already did.

Gave them a description of the car.
Model, licence number...

You're a good man.
How much are we paying you?

- 200 Marks a week.
- That would be about $50.

- That's all.
- That's enough.

Hello? Hello, yes?
Atlanta, Georgia? Put it through.
What's going on there in Berlin?
I have a letter here from Scarlett.

Says she's been going to
operas, concerts, museums.

- That doesn't sound like my little girl.
- Oh, she's a different person now.
