I'm talking to Mr Hazeltine about the
London job. And you want to chitchat?
I'm sorry. It's just that
Miss Hazeltine is missing.
But we can discuss it
some other time. Bye.
Missing? Wait a minute.
Phyllis! What do you mean missing?
Bertha took her breakfast up
and her bed hasn't been slept in.
We got back from the movie round eleven
and Scarlett went right upstairs.
- What could have happened?
- Who knows? Gone with the wind.
Maybe she was kidnapped
by a white slave ring.
Oh, swell. Hold on.
- Trouble?
- I wish I were in hell with a broken back.
Sorry, Mr Hazeltine. They come running
to me with all their little problems.
- What boat are you sailing on?
- Who's got time for that?
Mrs Hazeltine and I are flying to New
York, taking the overnight jet to London,
there's a flight to Berlin
and we'll be there at noon tomorrow.
Noon tomorrow? You mean our time?
Of course I'll tell Scarlett.
First chance I get.
We'll see you at the airport.
Unless those damn commies
shoot the plane down.
Auf Wiedersehen.
We've got to find that idiot.
Her parents are arriving tomorrow.
Where could she be? She doesn't know
anybody in Berlin except us.
Have Bertha look again.
Maybe she left a note.
What about her luggage?
I'm glad something is still there.
No, I'm not blaming you.
It's just that lousy MacNamara luck.
First I lost a bottling plant
and now I lose the boss's daughter.
I think we are getting some place.
We found Fritz.
To hell with Fritz!
It's the girl we're looking for now.
Precisely. He has some information.
- Where is she?
- I do not know.
Not precisely. But last night
I dropped her at the Brandenburg Gate.
I drop her there every night
and pick her up every morning.
- How long has this been going on?
- Since last month.
Usually I get her back before you wake up
but this morning I wait and I wait...
- You've been helping her sneak out?
- Yes, but I have a good excuse.