Schnell machen!
General Hartel is on army manoeuvres?
What about Mayor Willy Brandt?
Watching the manoeuvres.
And the police commissioner?
He's watching Willy Brandt.
So who's minding the store?
What about the call to Bonn?
Our ambassador's back in Washington?
Be right with you.
Get me Washington,
the state department.
Dean Rusk, Dean Acheson,
Dean Anybody.
If you have no luck there,
get me Senator Talmadge.
And if he isn't in,
try Huntley and Brinkley at NBC...
- Scarlett!
- What's all the excitement?
Oh, nothing.
You just scared the hell out of us.
- You all right?
- I'm just marvy.
- What were you doing in East Berlin?
- Last night?
All those nights.
You see, there's this boy over there. Wow!
- What boy? What have you been up to?
- I met him about six weeks ago.
I went into East Berlin and there was
this parade and they wanted to arrest me.
- Arrest you?
- Cos I was taking pictures.
And then this boy, he was in the parade.
He said I shouldn't be arrested,
I should be pitied
cos I was a typical bourgeois parasite and
the rotten fruit of a corrupt civilisation.
- So naturally I fell in love with him.
- Naturally.
- Want to see his picture?
- Not particularly.
I want your honest opinion.
Isn't he beautiful?
- You fell in love with Khrushchev?!
- No, silly. The one carrying Khrushchev.
His name's Otto.
I finally got East Berlin
and just like I told you, wrong number.
Hi there.
Now, you and this Otto.
Exactly what do you do together?
All kinds of goodies. I wash his shirts
and he broadens my mind.
And if it's a warm night we go lie on
the roof and watch the Sputniks go by.