Oh, surely not.
Well now,
what have we here?
Well, a little...
too short coupled.
I say!
Well, I do say!
Now there's
a fancy breed.
Perhaps a little too fancy.
Yes, much too fancy.
Too old.
Too young.
It was a problem,
a realproblem.
Well, now that's
a bit more like it!
The most beautiful creature
on four legs!
Now if only the girl...
She's very lovely too.
It was almost too good
to be true.
I'd never find another pair
like that,
not if I looked
for 100 years.
Ah, they're heading
for the park.
A perfect meeting place...
if I can only arrange it.
Uh-oh... but Roger never
stopped work 'til after 5:00.
That would be
too late.
After 5:00 already.
Fancy that.
All right, Pongo.
All right, boy.