At first I had
no particular plan,
just anything
to attract attention.
You know,
stir things up a bit.
you silly old thing!
C'm on!
C'm on, let's have it, boy.
For a while,
it seemed to work.
At least they
had seen one another.
Things were going along
But for some strange reason
they left!
C'mon, you old renegade.
We're going home.
But I wasn't giving up.
I was determined that somehow
they just had to meet.
- Oh!
- Ohhh!
I beg your pardon.
Please excuse me.
I must say,
what on earth!
- Oh, really. Good heavens.
- Oh, dear.
- Ohh!
- Ahh, ahh!
Oh, oh.
Oh, my new spring suit
and my new hat!
Ah, ah...
I'm terribly sorry.
Please let me
help you.
I'm so sorry.
I don't know
what's come over him.
I'm so sorry. He's never
acted this way before.
Please, just go away.
You've done enough.