And then the lyrics,
Oh, Pongo... it's her.
It's that devil woman.
Oh, must be Cruella, your
dearly devoted old schoolmate.
Cruella de Vil.
That's it!
- Oh, Roger.
she'll hear you.
Let her in, Nanny.
- Anita, darling!
- How are you?
Miserable as usual.
Perfectly wretched!
Where are they?
Where are they?
For heaven sakes,
where are they?
- Who, Cruella?
- The puppies! The puppies.
No time for games.
Where are the little brutes?
It'll be at least three weeks.
No rushing these things.
Anita, you're such a wit.
Here, dog, here.
Here, dog.
Cruella, isn't that
a new fur coat?
My only true love,
I live for furs.
I worship furs!
Is there a woman in this
wretched worldw ho doesn't?
Oh, I'd like a nice fur,
but there are many other thing...