One Hundred and One Dalmatians

I'm being
more than generous.

Blast this pen.
Blast this wretched,
wretched pen!

When can the puppies
leave their mother?

Two weeks?
Three weeks?

- What?
- We're not selling the puppies.

Not a single one.
Do you understand?

Anita, is he serious?
I really
don't know Roger.

- Cruella, he...
- Surely he must be joking!

No, no, no.
I mean it.

You're not getting one.
Not one.

And that's... final.
Why, you horrid man!
You... you...
All right, keep the little
beasts for all I care.

Do as you like with them.
Drown them!

But I warn you, Anita,
I'm through with all of you!

I'll get even.
Just wait.

You'll be sorry,
you fools!

You... you idiots!
Oh, Roger!
You were magnificent, darling.

He was a bloomin' hero,

Indeed he was.
A bloomin' hero!

Perdy, darling?

We're keeping the puppies,
every single one of them.

My ol'pet Roger, he told
that devil woman off.

He told her off, Perdy.
She's gone.

- Darling, she's gone for good.
- Oh, Pongo.

- C'mon, Thunderbolt.
- C'mon, Thunderbolt.
