She had never been brought here.
She was too sensitive,
too aware.
Aware of what?
The malignant atmosphere
of this castle.
It destroyed her.
My sister was a strong and
willful woman...
...not subject to the influence
of atmospheres.
You have been here only
a matter of hours, Mr. Barnard.
You cannot know what it is
to live here...
...month upon month,
year after year...
...breathing this infernal air...
...absorbing the miasma
of barbarity...
...which permeates
these walls...
...particularly this chamber.
But it did not bother her
at first either.
Our life was good...
...rich with the shared
pleasures of our love.
Each morning I would bring
her breakfast.
In the afternoons, she usually sat
for me while I attempted all in vain...
...to capture her beauty on canvas.
I did that portrait which you saw
on her room before...
...but it is all inadequate to what I
called the loveliness of her.
We dined, sometimes alone,
enjoying intimate conversation...
...sometimes with the doctor.
And every night
Elisabeth would play for me.
Life was simple, quiet,
richly pleasurable...
...and then the darkness
began to fall.
More and more entering her room
in the mornings...
...I would find her awake and discover
that she had not slept all the night.
I tried to find out why,
but she had no explanation.