Her appetite began to fade.
She began to lose weight
and color.
I tried to make her eat...
...but something kept her from it.
I would come upon her wandering
in the corridors at night.
I tried to find out
what was wrong...
...but she never had an answer...
...except to say that...
that something was oppressing her.
Oh God, help me for my blindness.
I should have known...
Then one day she disappeared.
Frantic, I searched the castle
for her.
And then I knew.
The castle and its awful history
had obsessed her.
These very instruments of torture...
...which were my birthright
and my curse...
...now tormented her as well...
...infecting her with a kind of
haunted fascination.
And watched her drawn to one
and then another...
...as if the aura of pain
and suffering which surrounded them...
...was luring her to sickness...
...and to death.
Immediately I made my plans
to leave the castle with her.
We would travel for a while,
restore her spirits...
...and then make our home elsewhere.
Then on the very eve of
our departure...
...we heard her scream from below...
...the most hideous blood-chilling
...I have ever heard
in my life.