Just before she died,
she whispered a name.
Mr. Barnard.
May I speak with you?
Yes, of course.
How is your brother?
Better, thank you.
Dr. Leon is staying with him.
I have come to ask you
to please believe him, Mr. Barnard.
He has told you the truth.
Has he?
Yes. And not telling you before...
...he only meant to spare you pain.
He is a good man, Mr. Barnard...
...a kind and gentle man...
...and I know that he adored
your sister.
I would like to believe him,
Dona Medina...
...but I find it very difficult
to do so.
There is something about him
I cannot help at sense...
...kind of fearful tension that...
I am sorry...
...but an air of
definite guilt.
Of course he suffers from guilt
Mr. Barnard...
...because of what our father did...
...because of what happened to
Perhaps it will help you
to understand...
...if I tell you something
that happened to Nicholas...
...when he was just a boy.
One day, while Nicholas was
...in a lower corridor...
He had been forbidden by
our father...
...to enter this chamber at any time.
The curiosity of youth, however...
...overcame his fear of challenging
our father's discipline.