...who was our father's brother.
At first it appeared that for
some inexplicable reason...
...our father was actually...
...conducting them on a tour of
his ghastly chamber.
Nicholas could see that both
our mother and our uncle...
...were uneasy, frightened.
Our father's smiling affability...
...as he described the workings
of these hellish instruments...
...turned Nicholas' blood cold.
He watched them with a mounting
sense of premonition.
Something was wrong, most
terribly wrong.
Even he, no more than
10 years of age...
...could sense it like a
darkening vapor in the air.
There was no reason...
...for our mother and our uncle
to have been there.
As he struck, he kept on
screaming at his brother...
...one word, over and over.
"Adulterer! Adulterer!"
And then he turned on her.
Accusing her of vile debauchery
with his brother...
...cursing her as faithless...
...promising her the
agonies of hell...
...and payment
for her infidelity...
...and then before my brother's
very eyes...
...our mother was tortured to death.