God bless everybody.
Apples! Help an old lady. Buy an apple.
Bless you, mister.
A nickel. Thank you, Mr Rockefeller!
You lousy cheapskate.
Apples! Apples!
Tallulah, good luck tonight!
Apples! Apples, madam?
Buy an apple? An apple, madam?
Apples? Apples?
Apples... Apples...
Apples... Apples...
Apples... Apples...
Apples... Apples...
- Where'd you pick him up?
- He's the new fella.
- Working the subway, huh?
- He didn't pay you yet, did he?
I gave you five bucks last month.
Five bucks every month
if you work Broadway, buster.
Hey, that's seven. Two of that's mine.
Yeah, Soho.
A nice long letter.
- Did it come today?
- Yeah. I'll pass it around.
Now get going over to the Casino.
There's a matinee.
New joke?
- Hi, Smiley.
- Hi, Annie. Been looking for you.
Dave the Dude wants to see you
at Rudy Martin's.
- Happy days...
- Annie...