Alan, please.
All right.
For the first few weeks,
we've been reading...
...the stories of King Arthur
and the Knights of the Round Table.
The literature of the age
was characterized by....
All right, Alan?
"By high ideals."
True. And by what else?
You going with us to the football game?
All right, Carolyn?
They were very religious.
Religion was an important part of the lives
of the Knights and their fair ladies.
What else?
I'm going with you, but I'm waiting
for Bud after the game.
We knew that, crazy.
The Knights of the Round Table....
-Just because his father's got money--
-That's not true.
Well, they were very brave
and things like that.
Bud Stamper isn't stuck on himself at all.
What in the world do you mean
by "things like that" exactly?
Well, I don't know exactly.
Let us learn to express ourselves
with as much precision as possible.
Juanita, you had your hand up?
The Knights of the Round Table
had a very high regard for women.
In what way, Juanita?
They looked on women as very pure.
They wouldn't look on her as very pure.
All right now, I want it quiet
in this classroom!
The next time there is talking
while this class is in session...
...I am going to send the culprit
to the principal's office.