Splendor in the Grass

Yes, Juanita, you're quite right.
The Knights did have a very high regard
for womanhood.

In fact, they put women on a pedestal.
Some people say that chivalry is not dead.
Well, how about it, girls?
Do any of you feel
that you're on a pedestal?

That's unnecessary roughness.
Fifteen yards.
Come on, you've been on me all day!
You're out! You're out of the game!
Who you taking out, Toots?
Never mind who.
Okay, okay, what's so funny about that?
She's the only girl who knows
what it's all about.

You can say that again.
I'll never look twice at those other girls.
They expect you to be satisfied
if they even kiss you good night.

Hi, Bud.
Hi, Juanita.
Did you see Toots in there?
Yeah, yeah. He should be right out.
You played a wonderful game.
Thank you.
He should be right out.
Hi, sweetheart.
I suppose you wish I were more
like Juanita Howard, don't you?

I saw the way you were looking at her.
I think she's disgraceful.

The way she stands
waiting for one of the players--

Wait a minute.
There isn't any reason in the world
why I shouldn't speak to her.
