If it weren't for you, Deanie, I'd....
I don't know!
Bud, it's broad daylight.
-Who cares?
-Stop it. Stop it.
Come on now. Bud! People can see us.
I don't care.
Bud, stop it. Come on now.
She's not here.
-"Mom? "
Nobody's here.
Stop that.
Yes, Mrs. Harper, here's your change.
Stop it. I have to pull down
the shade to the store.
Bud, stop it.
You're nuts about me, aren't you?
You're nuts about me.
I've got your ten-pound sack
in the back of the store, Mrs. Thatcher.
At my feet, slave!
-Bud, don't.
-Tell me you love me.