That's what I really want.
She'd be a big help to me, Dad.
I spent my life trying to create a place
of importance for you in this world...
...then you come home telling me
you want to marry some little girl!
It's what I want that counts.
Son, a boy your age doesn't even know
what he wants.
After you've had a college education,
you might change your mind.
A college education
will take me four years.
-Trust me.
-I do trust you, but--
-Trust me this time, Son.
-I trust you, Dad.
I do trust you, but four years--
Listen to me now.
But, Dad....
Son, all I'm asking you to do is
to finish Yale.
Then if you still want to marry her,
return and marry her with my blessing.
I'll send you both off to Europe
for a honeymoon.
Bud, please wait, Son.
I just don't know if I can, Dad.
I feel like I'm going nuts sometimes.
I understand, Son.
Your old man understands, Son.
What you need for the time being is...
...a different kind of girl.
When I was a boy, Son,
there was always two kinds of girls.
Us boys, we'd never even mention them
in the same breath...
...but every now and then one of us boys
would sneak off with a girl...
...and we'd get a little steam
out of our system.
No girl looks good to me except Deanie.
I know, Son.
I know.
I love her, Dad.
I know, Son, I know.
See, I don't want to do that.