I'm sorry.
I quoted some lines from Wordsworth's
Ode on Intimations of Immortality.
Did you hear them?
I'm afraid not, Miss Metcalf.
Then I must ask you to turn your text
to Page 380.
Yes, l....
You read the lines to me.
Stand please.
"Though nothing can bring back the hour
"Of splendor in the grass...
"...of glory in the flower;
"We will grieve not, rather find
"Strength in what remains behind...."
Perhaps you can tell me
exactly what the poet means...
...by such expressions as
"splendor in the grass"...
...and "glory in the flower."
I think it has some....
Well, when we're young...
...we look at things very idealistically,
I guess.
And I think Wordsworth means...
...that when we grow up...
...that we have to forget
the ideals of youth...