The Guns of Navarone

What's his particular genius?
He's a born killer. A useful man
to have along on a job like this.

His father happens to be our chief
resistance contact on Navarone.

The boy went to America
to get an education.

I'm afraid he got the wrong kind.
Well, there's the team.
Pirates and cutthroats,
every one of them.

And of course, there's Lucky here.
And the redoubtable Mr. Stavros...
...and yourself.
With every one of us a genius,
how can we fail?

You can't.
We're sending six destroyers through
the Navarone Channel next Tuesday...

:14:40 take the men off Kheros.
If those guns aren't spiked by then...
...there'll be six more ships
at the bottom of the Aegean.

There's your car, gentlemen.
I didn't think I'd
see you again so soon.

You thought you'd have
to look for me?

When the time came,
I would find you.

What is this?
We have to ferry some operators
to an island called Navarone.

-Do you know it?
-I know it.

I also know I have
work to do on Crete.

-Who's responsible for this?
-A major I used to know.

Name of Franklin.
He's a man who still has to prove
to himself he's a hero.

I'll speak to Franklin.
Where do I find him?

That's the man.
You can speak with him on the way.
