That's an order.
Captain, he's insane!
Surely you won't let him do this.
I can't stop him, he's in charge.
Anyway, I agree with him.
Of course, he doesn't have
to shoot you.
He can just call our HQ and you'll
be on a troopship home, as a private...
...unless you give him your word that
you'll do exactly as he says.
All right.
If it means that much to you,
you have my word.
Take him, sergeant!
Stupid theatricals.
You're entitled to your opinion...
...but I just saved your life.
I'm desperately sorry, gentlemen.
Really, I am.
It's embarrassing.
Just look at it!
No, it's exactly what we want.
They said you wanted a boat no one
would notice, but that's a disgrace!
Give me 36 hours, and I know
I can lay my hands...
...on a German E-boat in
absolutely perfect condition.
I promise you, only one careful owner.
I can pop over to Rhodes
and get it for you.
Won't the Germans have
something to say about that?
I suppose so, if they knew.
But I've got good connections there.
What do you say?
-No, thanks. We can't wait.
I'll get my chaps to help
with your gear.
No, that's all right, thank you.
Right. I get it.
Special cargo and all that, what?
Well, good luck to you.