About a year ago, I gave
a German patrol a safe conduct...
...to get their wounded into hospital.
I still had some romantic notions
about fighting a civilized war.
Anyway, they wanted Andrea
pretty badly even then.
They shot their casualties,
went to his house and blew it up.
He was out on a job, but his wife
and three children were in the house.
They were all killed.
I helped him to bury them.
He didn't say a word to me.
Never looked at me.
But after it was over, he said that
as far as he was concerned...
...it wasn't the Germans who were
responsible, but me.
Me and my stupid Anglo-Saxon decency.
He said what he
was going to do, and when.
Do you think he still means to do it?
He's from Crete.
Those people don't make idle threats.
I thought I was getting leave.
I was going to ask for
transfer to another area.
Take some time to think,
get ready for him.
And I messed that up.
I'm sorry.
That's all right.
It's gonna be a long war.
What makes you sure
he's gonna wait that long?
I'm not. Not if he gets
the right opportunity.
What I'm banking on is, that now
all he wants to do is to kill Germans.
As long as I can be useful to him
in that department...
...he'll do his best to keep me alive.
I hope.
That's nice of him.
Well, I can see his point.
The only way to win a war is to be
just as nasty as the enemy.