- Yes, sir.- I got a little grease in this lining.
It'll take a half-hour to check it.You want me to fill her up, too?
- You better check the oil, too.- Yes, sir.
- You boys just passing through?- Yeah.
Pittsburgh? Coming in or going out?
- Going in, to a sales convention tomorrow.- What do you guys sell?
We sell drug supplies.He is going to get an award.
He sold $17,000 worth last month.Fastest boy in the territory.
Yeah. Fastest and the "bestest."
- Another round, one for him and yourself.- Thanks.
Sure is a hot day for driving.
Late afternoon is better.You have plenty of time.
You can make Pittsburghin two or three hours.
He's right.
What do you say, Charlie?
Play a little pool? Wait out the heat?
Lt'll cost you money. Always does.
Come on, stop stalling.Grab yourself a cue.
Good thing he can afford it.
Keep them coming. J.T.S. Brown.