Town Without Pity

Something goes wild inside me,
and I don't care who the girl is...

...or how much she begs.
I just don't pay any attention to her.
She hasn't got a chance.

Sit down.
Why didn't you run away
when the others did?

It seemed like such a shame
to leave her there all alone like that.

You did put your shirt over her, didn't you?
I don't know.
She looked so small lying there.
I couldn't leave her like that.
Got a girl back home?
Sure, everybody's got a girl back home.
Are you sorry for what you did?
Sure, I'm sorry, Major.
-The thing is....

I don't know. I keep thinking
maybe I'll do it again, you know?

I'm telling you this for the last time,
stop selling yourself.

I'm sure your mom thinks you ought to
be president, but I can't use it in court.

I guess I'm a little nervous
about how this will look on my record.

Record? I've seen it.
It's enough to gag a hyena.

Personally, I hate your guts,
but I have to defend you.

I'm sorry. I'll do anything I can to help.
-Then you saw her smoking a cigarette.
-That's right.

We thought it was funny
for her to be standing all by herself--

Stick to the facts. Then did you drag her
into the bushes and pull her clothes off?

No, we just kept watching.
You won't believe this, but all of a sudden,
that little dame took off her bra...

...and slipped off her pants,
and she stood there, naked as a jaybird.

Wait a minute. Stood there?
-You mean she started to get dressed.
-No, sir, she didn't.

You're lying.
No, sir.
I wouldn't lie to you.
It sure looked to us
like she was just asking for it.

I see. Then maybe we ought
to charge her with rape.
