Town Without Pity

I turned around, and there was a man.
Is that man in this room now?
Can you point him out to us?
There, on the right.
The first one.
Let the record reflect the witness
has identified defendant, Sgt. Snyder.

You turned around, and you saw this man.
Then what happened?

He put his hand out toward me.
I was scared. I couldn't move.
Then he grabbed me.
And then?
I screamed, but he wouldn't let go of me.
I kept on hitting him, his face, all over.
He held his hand over my mouth.
I could hardly breathe.

Then he dragged me into the bushes,
and suddenly...

...there were three other men.
Are those three men present
in this room now?

-Will you point them out to us?

That one, that one and that one!
Let the record reflect
the witness has identified Cpl. Scott...

...Cpl. Larkin, and Priv. Haines.
Please, go on.
They threw me to the ground.
And then?
...they held me down...
...until he....
They forced me.
Which one of the men disrobed you?
Objection. I don't think Miss Steinhof has
indicated she was disrobed at any time.

Okay, we'll do it the hard way.
When they held you down,
were you still wearing your bathing suit?
