...to throw at a little girl who's lying in a
hospital bed for reasons we won't mention.
You like the work?
I get a bang out of it.
One night in Korea,
I had to shoot an enlisted man.
He'd gone berserk and was setting off
flares in a concealed position.
Just 10 feet away from me,
and I killed him just like that.
I got a bang out of that, too.
It's a touching story.
You should tell it to Karin Steinhof.
She could have a good cry over it.
If these four men hang,
that will cheer her up.
That wipes it all out,
everything's rosy again.
Nothing will ever wipe it out for her.
Why do we even have a trial,
why don't we lynch 'em?
The mob's big enough:
you, the newspapers, the town, the brass.
Why do you think the law provides them
with a counsel to defend them?
So that he doesn't defend them?
It would have cost them four lousy bucks
right here at the Florida Bar.
To risk your neck for something that cheap
you'd have to be sick, wouldn't you?
Crazy, stupid and sick!
You get pretty upset about things,
don't you?
When it comes to hanging people, yes.
At least I found out
what I wanted to know.
-What's that?
-How you feel about your work.
You know more than I do.
Excuse me.
Can your cousin get something for me
from the Steinhof house?
Just name it.
I'd like to take a look at the bikini
she wore that afternoon.