Thank you.
Do you realize what a terrible strain
this will be on your daughter?
To testify at this trial?
The death penalty worries Maj. Garrett,
not your daughter.
By law,
she's obliged to take the witness stand.
She must remain there until
she completes her entire testimony.
If she does not do so,
then the death penalty cannot be invoked.
-But it must be!
-Not if I can help it.
With a negotiated plea,
Karin won't have to testify...
...and I'd much prefer
not to cross-examine her.
But hasn't she already
been cross-examined?
Not by me.
Not in a public courtroom.
My questions won't be as gentle
as Col. Pakenham's.
You don't have to worry
about my daughter, sir.
Nonetheless, I do.
I do.
The trial began on Tuesday, October 10...
...at 9:00 p.m.
in the high- school gymnasium.
This court will come to order.