Two Rode Together

- Hi, Jim.
- Hiya.

- How are things out at Fort Grant?
- Same as usual.

Who is it? Is that Sergeant Posey?
Sergeant Posey?

I hardly recognised you.
Haven't you put on some weight?
Well, that's a nice...
...dirty, thirsty-looking outfit
you got there, Jim.

- Forty miles.
- Forty miles, huh?

Hey, you men!
How about a nice cold beer?

As you were.
I haven't dismissed
the detail, sergeant.

No, sir.
And before I do, I want one thing
clearly understood.

We're riding out of here
in a couple of hours.

And I mean riding, not floating.
"Riding not floating," that's good.
I'm gonna use that.

And just because Marshal McCabe here
has been generous enough...

:05:00 set us up to five or six beers...
- I didn't say five or...

...that's no reason to abuse
his hospitality.

- Hey, just one beer.
- I count on your discretion, sergeant.

That's all. Detail dismissed!
- Hiya, Guthrie.
- Oh, no. Oh, no.

- Jim, good to see you.
- Good to see you.

- You know, l... No, wait a minute.
- What?

Jesu, fetch a ladder...
:05:26 that Sergeant Posey can get up
on that poor, unfortunate animal.

By George, he made it.
Thank you, marshal.
It'll be a pleasure
drinking to your health.

Follow me!
Well, that was pretty funny, Jim.
But if you think I'm gonna ante up
for all the beer...

...that hippopotamus
of a sergeant can drink...

...between now and the time you leave,
you got two more things coming.

- You're up for re-election, aren't you?
- Sergeant Posey can't vote.
