Today's top of the news
comes from the top of the world.
The unpredictable Admiral Harriman Nelson
has done it again.
His brainchild, a fantastic atomic submarine
with an amazing glass nose,
is now undergoing final tests
below the ice at the North Pole.
To judge the final test,
the Bureau of Maríne Exploratíon
has sent a seaplane wíth íts top officer,
the former více-admíral, B J Crawford,
to rendezvous wíth
the submaríne Seavíew ín the Arctíc.
Flyíng wíth hím ís the Congressíonal
watchdog of the budget,
penny-pínchíng Congressman
Llewellyn Parker,
who had fought a losíng fight agaínst
what he had termed ''Nelson's folly.''
And so the questíon of the day
comes to thís:
Wíll the final test on the USOS Seavíew
turn ít ínto ''Nelson's folly''?
Or wíll ít be another tríumph
of a great man, a great ínventor,
who, despíte hís oddball reputatíon,
may yet emerge as the predomínant
scíentifíc geníus of our tíme?
So, bon voyage, Admíral Nelson.
Good luck, Seavíew.
Well, gentlemen, modesty forbids
my adding anything to that.
- Shall we take her down, Cap'n?
- Aye aye, sir.
- Let's make it 90 feet at the start, what?
- Aye aye, sir.
Diving stations! Diving stations!
- Any time you're ready, Mr Thompson.
- Aye aye, sír.
Stand by.
Clear the decks, Mr Thompson.
- Decks clear!
- Decks clear.
- Prepare to dive.
- Close all main ballast-tank vents.
Stand by to blow tanks.
Ballast tanks full.
Close the vents.