Experimental torpedoes.
You name 'em, we've got 'em.
- Show 'em, Lee.
- Right.
Well, let's see.
Here's something new - a magnetic primer.
ln case we lose power in the control room,
we just slap this dude on by hand,
and away she goes.
- This looks like a pineapple.
- Some pineapple. One bite, and pow!
- Don't worry, it can't activate itself.
- Captain, where does this door lead to?
That leads to Davy Jones' locker, sir.
- lf you're contemplating using it, use this.
- Oh, no. No, thank you.
No offense, sir.
Well, shall we continue?
Take a look at this lad.
He's Seaman Smith. Recognize him?
Should l?
Seems only yesterday you were
bouncing him on your knees.
Old Bricktop's boy!
Spittin' image of him, too.
l heard that he'd finished his hitch in
the navy, so l had him sign up with us.
He looks a little big
for me to bounce on my knee now.
Jimmy, isn't it? Now you're
a minisub man, huh?
- How do you like the new model?
- Oh, she handles like a dream, sir.
- l can't wait to test her under the ice.
- You will. Good luck.
- Thank you, sir.
- Sorry to break in on your social life.
Back to work.
This should interest you, Doctor.
Dr Jamieson. Dr Hiller. Congressman Parker.
- How do you do?
- Happy to meet you, Congressman.
The Dr Hiller? lt's a pleasure to welcome
such a distinguished psychiatrist aboard.
You flatter me. You seem very well-equipped
here, and pleasantly unoccupied.
We hope to keep it that way,
with the help of these gadgets.
lt's mandatory that you wear
our newest style in submarine sportswear.
lf you pick up a fatal dose of radiation,
it glows red.
- A fatal dose of radiation?
- There's a warning. lt loses all its color first.
By the way, give me one of those
for Admiral Crawford.
l have some healthier places
to show our guests.
l'll check in later with you, Doctor.
See ya.