- l can't seem to break through, sir.
- Keep trying.
Admiral Nelson calling Bureau of
Marine Exploration - lnspector Bergen.
Rescue team, up and out on the double!
Man on the ice! Belay the parkas!
Rescue team, topside! On the double!
- All set, sir. lnspector Bergen's on the line.
- Pipe this through the ship.
Bergen, we've just seen it. What is it?
Nelson! We've been callíng you
for three days.
- What's that fire in the sky?
- The Van Allen belt of radíatíon.
The 300-míle level. lt caught fire about
50 hours ago. Nobody knows how.
But a South Afrícan observatory reported
heavy meteor actívíty at the tíme ít exploded.
- lt's possible.
- What's the forecast?
We just don't know. The UN has called
an emergency scíentifíc conference.
The world's top braíns are there -
Píttar, Zucco, Charbíer.
- The presídent wants you there.
- Can you send a plane for me?
Thermal condítíons have grounded all aírcraft.
There's nothíng flyíng anywhere ín the world.
The temperature has reached 135 degrees.
We don't know how much hotter ít wíll get.
DEWlíne headquarters just below the pole
reports the polar ícecaps are meltíng.
OK, we're on our way. Be there in two days.
Godspeed. Out.
- Let's get going, Cap'n.
- ln a moment, sir. Picked up a survivor.
Doc, lend a hand.
He must have been there two days.
- He's burned to a crisp.
- Who is he?
l don't know.
Let's get him to sick bay.
- Take her down. Full speed New York.
- New York?
- Aye aye, sir.
- He had this pooch with him.
- Take care of him.
- And here are his papers.
All right, take her down. Periscope depth.