Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

lf that rate is maintained,
our planet has a life expectancy
of about three weeks.

Therefore... therefore, if we are to avoid
cremation, we must act at once.

Lucius, let me have those charts of ours
and the maps, please. Thank you.

Now, if l may make a comparison,
when a diseased appendage
threatens the life of a human body,

a doctor has no choice but to amputate.
We have no choice either.
We must amputate the belt, or die.

Amputate? How?
Not with a knife, Doctor,
but with a shot in the heart.

The burning belt must be exploded
clear of the Earth's magnetic field,

and we have exactly 16 days
and three hours in which to do it.

- How do you arrive at that particular timing?
- How?

We have worked out the mathematical
formula, and our figures are correct.

He irritates me.
The shot must take place
on August 29th at exactly 4pm.

The locatíon of thís operatíon
ís as vítal as the tíme.

A place 205 míles north-northwest
of Guam ín the Maríanas lslands.

To be exact... Where are
those figures, Lucíus? Ah.

To be exact, latitude 15 degrees north,
longitude 145 degrees east.

The location and the time
are dictated by the Earth's rotation

and the consequent trajectory of firing.
Firing of what, Admiral?
An atomic missile, Doctor,
fired from the submarine Seavíew.

The missile will arc along the burning belt.
As it detonates, it will give the flames
an overdose of radiation,

causing the belt
to explode outward into space.

To simplify it, take a toy balloon. A little
too much air, and poof! No balloon.
