Stern gone.
Take the con, Lieutenant.
l'll be in the admiral's cabin.
- He had no other choice.
- l hope Washington agrees with you.
l don't understand ordering
a crash dive with men on deck.
- Zucco just can't be right.
- We'd better make deadly sure he's wrong.
Come in.
- Sir.
- Oh, forget it, Lee.
Military police swim like fish.
lt's part of their training.
Now here's our goal. The Marianas.
And we've only got 16 days to get there.
What do you think, Cap'n?
The Panama Canal is knocked out.
To go around the Horn doubles our distance.
- ln my opinion, l'm afraid it's impossible.
- lmpossible? Sounds like Zucco.
Nothing is impossible.
We'll make it
if we get the president's permission.
Cap'n, set your course for the Marianas,
as though we had permission.
- And give us all the speed you can make.
- Sir...
Very well, sir.
Ah, Doctor. Mr Alvarez.
l'd forgotten you were aboard.
My orders did not include
a trip to the Marianas.
Admiral, l must get off the submarine.
There may be no chance
to get into port, Doctor.
You'll both have to go along for the ride.
Sparks, sir. No contact yet.
Since the heat went over 139,
radio contact is highly erratic.
The radíatíon has set up a field of statíc.
Forget that. Keep at it.
l must talk with the president.
- Aye aye, sír.
- Now look here...
Doctor, as l remember, your research project
was ''men under stress.''
You couldn't have picked a better laboratory.