What would we do?
We'd praise Him, wouldn't we?
What would we do?
Praise Him, Miss.
- Praise Him.
- Praise Him.
It's stopped raining.
Do you think He stopped it, Kathy?
Yes, He could do anything, Jesus.
Do you think He could make me a nice
chocolate cake for me birthday?
- And some chocolate logs, eh?
- No, you mustn't.
Miss Lodge says you've only
to ask Jesus for love and not for things.
Oh, she talks out of t'back
of her neck, she does.
I'd like to see her face when she
knows we've got Jesus in our barn.
- Are we going to tell her?
- No, not till He's ready and better.
Then everybody'll know.
They'll all come and see Him.
- Who?
- Oh, everybody.
Shepherds, wise men, lords, ladies,
bishops and people.
The Mayor of Burnley.