- Got picked up twice on a drunk charge.
- I don't care, he's still lying.
I know why him and Hank
raise that corn.
Both of'em drank my ma
into an early grave with that corn.
Glenn, how old were you
when your mother died?
- Ma'am?
- She asked how old you were
when your ma died.
Almost nine.
Let's get on with this.
What's your recommendation, Phil?
- I'd give him another chance, Tom.
- So would I,Judge.
On parole, of course.
Have him report once a week.
And I'd see to it he stayed decently
at work with a living wage and board.
I owe it to his mom,
my own cousin, that much.
He'll never do it, Rolfe.
What he needs is correction.
Mr. Tyler, what do you think
needs improving in your son?
Well, begging your pardon,
what do you think don't? [ Laughing ]
Your picture's
a mighty black one, Sam.
There was nothing wrong
with this boy back a way.
There was never a week
come snow or rain...
this boy and his mother
didn't attend my church.
Glenn, turn around, tellJudge Parker
and the parole board...
what was the master's c
from the cross?
"Eli, Eli,
lama sabachthani?"
And where in scripture
is that noted?
In Matthew 27:46...
and sort of turned around
in Mark 1 5:34.
"And what does," " Eli, Eli,
lama sabachthani" "mean?"
It means, " My God, my God,
why hast thou forsaken me?"