- That's not true. My ma thinks--
- Yeah, your ma! It's your pa.
[ Baby Crying ]
- Is that Norrie's baby?
- Well, it ain't a cat.
- Did you see him, Glenn?
What's he like?
- What's a baby like?
- Don't be mean.
- What do you wanna ask
so many questions for?
They been at me all week
with questions and more questions.
I'm sor.
I hadn't thought.
They got me on parole.
I gotta go up and see this
parole officer once a week.
Then I gotta get examined
by this Miss Speery--
case worker, psychiat,
whatever she is.
She thinks she's got
a lunatic on her hands.
Irene Speery? She spoke at school
about her work down at the state prison?
- That's the one.
- Her mother left her that big house.
She thinks I'm lame in the head.
You know what I think about her?
She looks like the other side
of a walnut, and if she don't watch out,
she'll get cracked.
My mother knows her slightly,
and she thinks she's very nice.
- Dig that.
Your mother thinks she's nice.
- Yes!
Glenn, don't look for trouble. And by
the way, my ma thinks you're nice too.
- You didn't show her my letters,
did you?
- No.
What about the other stuff I wrote? I
want all that junk back, maybe burn it.
Glenn, sometimes I think you're touched
myself. Don't you trust anybody?
** [ Guitar]
She's pretty.
Pretty and sad.
When's her husband coming back?
They don't know. He's in government work
overseas. So Uncle Rolfe says.
When and where did she mar him?
No one in town seems to know.
- They don't say, I don't ask.
- Yes, but--
Don't wor your heart.
Just let it be.