Wild in the Country

[ Scoffs ]
What are you thinking, Glenn?
About the dreams
I used to have.

Of money, fame.
Is that what you want?
I could've bought my ma her freedom
with money and fame.

" Bought"?
I don't quite follow that.

Listen, ma'am,
my ma was enslaved on our farm.

I do mean enslaved.
Many times I've seen her...
out in the hot sun
chopping cotton...

while them two men
laid up drunk and wasted.

She done the meals,
she done the chores...

that Hank wouldn't do
and I couldn't.

And then, that lady--
and she was a lady, ma'am--
she'd soak her old stockings
in buttermilk...

and put 'em on her arms,
not to burn...

and go work in the sun...
while Pa's fishing the river
with a jug by his rump.

My point, ma'am--
my point is I'd have bought Ma
away from there if I'd had the cash.

I'd have brought her
into town...

give her a house like this
on a quiet street...
