What's to eat?
Fried chicken like you asked.
I do aim to please.
Good. One of these days you'll
find yourself a man and he'll say...
- "Your pa sure trained you right."
- Yeah?
- What's this?
- I told Glenn to use the tub
Just till I get the shower in.
Does it get to use
my toothbrush too?
Just make sure you don't
leave no rings around that tub.
I got enough chores to do.
What's eatin' on you?
You askin' to be chastised again?
- It's too hot. Stop pickin' on me.
- Don't you see he's a godsend to you?
- He's a clean decent boy--
- What's decent about a Tyler?
Never seen you snuggling
up to his folks any.
Be that as it may.
He's a good decent boy--
That good decent boy's been
haylofting with Betty Lee Parsons.
That's what people say.
- You're gonna listen to me!
- Lay off. I'll be gone like ma
if you don't quit.
That is an eventuality
which will not eventuate, Norrie.
- You ain't got the guts.
- [ Baby Crying ]
You just wait and see.
[ Cing ]
Beer's good.
Enough hot water in there, Glenn?
Yeah, thanks, Uncle Rolfe.
There's a boy full of thanks.
Stupid and full of thanks.