Wild in the Country

You for one. It seems his father's money
couldn't help him there.

But I never thought he'd go so far as
to lend a car and then say I stole it.

But it figures.
I actually feel sorry for him sometimes.

I have no intention
of wasting sympathy on him.

Sympathy's never wasted, Betty Lee.
One way or another, you get it back.

Or so it says in the Book.
- And that's something
I can't understand.
- What's that?

The way it says we oughta be,
in the gospels. The way we are, in fact.

Turn this cheek, that cheek.
Don't cast the first stone.

That's for tall angels,
not for men.

No, I don't see any wings on you.
That is a fact.
There is a fact.

Hello, Betty Lee, Glenn Tyler.
How you all doin'?

We all doin' fine
till you crawled in.

Crawled, dear boy?
Yeah, crawled...
as in insect.

- Don't you go callin' us no insects!
- Shut up.

Tyler, I invited you and your
lady companion to join us for a drink.

My date, Miss Monica George,
expressed a desire to meet you both.

- You're stoned out of your mind.
- Don't, you're supposed to be--

Hey, the lady's reminding you
you're on parole.

And my revered, distinguished father's
a member of that board.

Now let's all calm down and
have a drink. Set 'em up, Dace.

Don't you think I'm forgettin'
Christmas night. Let's go, Betty Lee.

- Wait a minute.
- Take your hands off.

Ladies, I wanna continue
my confidential conversation...

with Mr. Tyler,
the ol' auto thief.

Look here, boy. You put
a black mark on me I didn't deserve.
