I'm givin' you a warning.
The next time you and your
friends come lookin' for me...
I'm gonna use both your heads,
one to crack the other with.
We gonna have to mess him up.
Have to mess him up good.
Hey, Tyler, how's your cousin Norrie
and her family increase?
Hey, Tyler!
Thank you, Sarah.
So go on.
He yelled something at me
as I was leaving, but I didn't
pay any attention to him.
What do you think's wrong
with him?
He likes to tell the world
he's had his tail kicked.
Nobody wants him, I guess.
Maybe his folks done it to him.
But the Macys are
pretty well-off, you know.
Yes, I know.
Money's no guarantee
of a happy, normal childhood.
- You tell that
to someone else, Miss Speery.
- It's Mrs. Speery.
- Excuse me.
- I'm telling it to you.
Don't you think the two of you
might have something in common?
- Not as I can see.
- You've kinda had your tail kicked too.
[ Chuckles ]
I'll have to chew on that a while.
You know...
a couple years back I decided
to keep a dia...just like a girl.
Dia's can be very productive.
Did you ever think of writing
in a serious way?
What makes you ask that, ma'am?
You turn a phrase a certain way.
An image.