Well, think about it, will you?
Bring that fine analytical mind of yours
to bear on your own problems too.
- Physician, heal thyself?
- That's the general idea.
You're asking the impossible.
Phil, why did you
invite me here?
I wanted to talk about
my son Cliff.
- May we discuss him for a moment?
- Of course.
It's his mother.
You know she's
as loose-footed as ever.
She spoiled the boy rotten.
She's got him headin' down
the same road as herself.
Only in his case,
it might be a fatal road.
Fatal? How?
Well, no one knows this,
but his mother and me.
Cliff has what's known
as an "athletic heart."
Too much of everything too fast.
I've taken him twice
to the specialist in Washington...
but in spite of it, he's drinking
like a fish, running wild, in fact.
Would you t
to straighten him out?
- I don't think that would be wise.
- Because of us, you mean?
Exactly! I'd have to talk
about his mother and his father.
- How objective and honest
do you think I could be?
- Not very, I guess.
I will look into it,
and I'll see if I can find someone good.
Hell, I suppose I'm just
lookin' for some way...
to t to bring you and me
together again.
I'm sor, Phil.
I really am.