Wild in the Country

- If I was you, I'd give this
thing a decent time of grief.
- Well, that's a point.

But if I could soften the blow,
which it's sure to be to Norrie...

by just telling her tonight that
you've got matrimony on your mind--

- How'd her husband die?
- That's the funny part.

The telegram don't say. All that
hush-hush government stuff these days.

Yeah, I've seen
a lot of it on TV.

You're not hintin'
that this is fiction, are you?

I'm sayin', don't box me in,
Uncle Rolfe.

You listen to me, boy. You "are" boxed in,
and that's gospel, but not by me.

You took Norrie like a cheap
postage stamp. You got her drunk...

licked, smacked and cancelled
her all over the place.

- You deny my allegations?
- I wasn't exactly alone, you know.

- Are you saying you didn't--
- Look, Uncle Rolfe,
you wasn't kiddin' me.

- You had this in your mind all along.
- You're a ratty little liar!

- Don't say it! That makes me--
- When the parole board hears
about this--

[ All Gasp, Exclaim ]
- Where's that boy? Get that Tyler boy!
- You all right? What happened?

He deliberately shoved
and pushed me down. Call the police!

Are you hurt, Mr. Braxton?
Oh, I-- I ache bad.
I ache "very" bad.
Had a bad fight with Uncle Rolfe,
broke my parole.

They'll probably say
I stole his pickup truck too.

They'll take his word for it, and
I'll go to jail for two or three years.

The only thing I can see now
is to run, get out of state.
