- "Was"?
- He died.
Oh, I'm sorry.
You've never
spoken about him.
No, I never do.
Is that good--
I mean, keeping something inside
that should be let out in the air?
Oh, you learn very fast,
don't you, Glenn?
You don't need books to understand
you should never lock up a heart, ma'am.
I'd like to have known him,
the kind of man you'd mar.
Well, he was just a boy--
ve talented...
ve emotional, like you.
Were you happy?
Well, you'll learn,
in spite of the fai tales...
there are other things to life
besides living a "happily ever after."
Like what?
Like work, one's self-respect.
I guess eveone who knows you
respects you, Mrs. Speery.
Well, thank you, Glenn.
- Come back on Friday, like we used to?
- Yes, of course.